Female with Flat Abdomen Waring Workout Clothes

Advantages of a Drainless Tummy Tuck

Men and women in San Francisco who work hard to obtain a flat and trim abdomen often find that it is not an easy thing to achieve. And for many, no matter the diet or exercise regimen, a six-pack remains just beyond their grasp.

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Female Torso with Flat Tummy

The Ultimate Tummy Tuck Survival Guide

A little knowledge can go a long way toward building confidence and providing peace of mind. With that said, allow us to present a comprehensive guide: Everything you need to know about making it through your tummy tuck and the subsequent recovery, with minimal discomfort.

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Close Up of Model With Flat Abdomen

How Many Sizes Do You Lose with a Tummy Tuck?

Pregnancy and extreme weight loss can leave behind extra skin on the abdomen, as well as stubborn pockets of fat that just won’t go away no matter the diet or exercise you try. Beyond that, both of these changes to the body can cause the abdominal muscles to separate and leave both men and women with a bloated abdominal appearance.

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