The “mommy makeover” is one of the most popular treatment options that Plastic Surgery Associates provides. This collection of surgical and non-surgical solutions rejuvenates the features most affected by having children.

Our doctors offer a range of procedures to San Francisco women who want to restore their bodies to a pre-pregnancy state. Our board-certified plastic surgeons individualize the mommy makeover to each of their patients, allowing them to achieve their personal aesthetic goals.

Plastic Surgery Associates can combine two or three procedures into a single surgical session to reduce the overall recovery time. Our San Francisco patients frequently choose to have a tummy tuck at the same time as their breast augmentation or breast lift or to have a breast enhancement procedure combined with labiaplasty.

Baby Lying on Top of Mother Plastic Surgery Associates

Mommy Makeover Explained

After the dramatic changes brought on by pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding, your body likely looks much different than what it did pre-pregnancy. In many cases, no amount of dieting and exercise can address the sagging breasts, loose skin, separated muscles, and stubborn stretch marks. This often takes a toll on your self-esteem and confidence levels.

With a mommy makeover at Plastic Surgery Associates in San Francisco, our experienced surgeons specialize in customizing this procedure to help “turn back the clock” and restore your pre-baby body. This unique procedure helps contour and shape your body after having a baby, and it is a customized combination of several different plastic surgery procedures.

Meet San Francisco’s Prominent Plastic Surgeons

At Plastic Surgery Associates in San Francisco, our plastic surgeons have decades of experience and deeply understand what it takes to help individuals achieve their aesthetic goals with plastic surgery.

Dr. Heather Furnas, M.D., is a board-certified plastic surgeon with over twenty years of experience in plastic surgery. She specializes in aesthetic surgery of the face, breast, and body, and is known for her work in vaginal rejuvenation and mommy makeovers.

Dr. Francisco Canales, M.D., is a Stanford and Harvard educated, board-certified plastic surgeon specializing in aesthetic care for men and women. He performs a wide variety of services, including breast lifts, nipple correction, liposuction, mommy makeovers, and rhinoplasty.

Dr. Eric J. Culbertson, M.D., is an experienced plastic surgeon board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. He has an extensive educational background and years of helping individuals attain their aesthetic goals through plastic surgery procedures.

Benefits of a Mommy Makeover

The benefits of a mommy makeover are the ability to combine several procedures into one surgical plan. The procedures commonly include a tummy tuck, liposuction, breast enhancement, and labiaplasty. With these procedures, our doctors can help patients have:

Mommy makeover fuller chest icon san francisco plastic surgery associates Plastic Surgery Associates

A fuller chest

Women often see a decrease in breast volume after they have children. Our doctors can perform a breast augmentation to restore fullness to their figure.

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Higher, Youthful-looking

Surgery can return a woman’s breasts closer to their pre-pregnancy position.

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Tighter, Stronger Midsection

Having children can leave women with excess skin around their belly, unwanted areas of fat, and a separation of their abdominal muscles. Tummy tuck surgery and liposuction can provide a more sculpted body contour.

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Compact Labial Skin

Labiaplasty reduces the labial skin around the entrance of the vagina, which may have stretched out after childbirth. The result is a younger, more aesthetic appearance.

Before & After Photos

Are you considering a mommy makeover in San Francisco? View our before and after mommy makeover photos to get a better understanding of how this procedure can transform your body and help you attain your desired figure.

Candidates for a Mommy Makeover

Every woman who wants to return her body to the way she looked before having kids and who is healthy enough for surgery can be a good candidate for a mommy makeover.

To promote the best outcomes, our board-certified plastic surgeons spend a lot of time in consultation with their patients. The mommy makeover that they offer is a collaborative experience, one in which our doctors learn as much as they can about our patients’ goals and advise them about what they can expect from treatment.

Our doctors are leaders in the field of plastic surgery as well as in vaginal rejuvenation techniques. They see the mommy makeover as an excellent opportunity for women to regain confidence in their appearance, restore what they may have sacrificed for their family, and improve their quality of life for years to come.

Can I Get a Mommy Makeover If I Have Not Had Children?

Though a mommy makeover is ideal for women who have had children and want to restore their pre-baby body, a mommy makeover can also be a great option if you have not had children but are interested in combining multiple procedures into one surgery.

Should I Wait Until I’m Done Having Children?

Generally, it is best to wait until you are done having children to have a mommy makeover, as pregnancy afterward can undo the results of the procedure.

Although, this is not the case for everyone, and it is not a strict rule. At your initial mommy makeover consultation, you and your surgeon should discuss your future plans regarding children to determine which course of action is best for you.

How Old Do I Have to Be?

Generally, you need to be at least 18 years old to undergo plastic surgery. This is to ensure you are aware of the risks associated with surgery.

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Good Mental Health

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No Future Childbearing

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Stable Weight

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What Procedures Are Involved in a Mommy Makeover?

A mommy makeover is a customized combination of plastic surgery procedures performed in one surgery session. Depending on your aesthetic goals, your doctor may perform one or several of the following procedures to help you attain your dream body. 

Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation surgery increases the size of the breasts and adds or restores fullness. At Plastic Surgery Associates in San Francisco, our doctors specialize in this procedure to help patients achieve natural-looking, beautiful results, and because our practice uses a “rapid recovery” approach, you can get back to your daily life sooner and see your results faster.

Breast Lift

Also known as mastopexy, a breast lift addresses laxity and drooping often caused by breastfeeding, pregnancy, and aging. This procedure involves raising the breasts to a higher, more youthful position by removing excess skin and reshaping the breasts for a more contoured, symmetrical appearance.

Tummy Tuck

A tummy tuck involves removing excess skin, tightening the abdominal muscles, and repairing areas weakened by pregnancy or major weight loss. A tummy tuck often results in a stronger, tighter midsection and a more contoured figure.

Our doctors use an advanced “drainless” version of the tummy tuck procedure, which research has shown can reduce fluid accumulation, chance of infection, and recovery time.


Liposuction is an effective way to eliminate stubborn pockets of fat that do not respond to diet and exercise. During liposuction, your doctor inserts a small cannula through a narrow incision, which melts solid fat into a more liquid form. The fat is then suctioned out and permanently removed, resulting in a more contoured and flattering figure.

Vaginal Rejuvenation

Pregnancy and childbirth can often stretch the vaginal canal and labia, and affect other features of the vagina. With vaginal rejuvenation, our doctors can help you look and feel better by reducing the size of the labia minora and labia majora, removing excess skin around the clitoral hood, and tightening the interior walls of the vagina.


The Procedure Process Explained

The Consultation

At your mommy makeover consultation, your doctor will discuss your unique aesthetic goals with you and help create an individualized plan to best ensure your goals are met.

Additionally, your doctor may examine your body, take measurements and photos, discuss your treatment and recovery options, and disclose any risks or complications associated with mommy makeover surgery.

Furthermore, at your mommy makeover consultation, your doctor will also evaluate your general health status, current medications, previous surgeries, and any pre-existing health conditions that may impact your mommy makeover results.

What Should I Do in Preparation?

In preparation for your mommy makeover, we recommend you:

  • Receive a pre-operative physical to determine if you are healthy enough to undergo surgery.
  • Avoid certain medications and herbal supplements that thin the blood.
  • Avoid smoking before and after your procedure, as this may affect your mommy makeover results and recovery process.
  • Do not drink alcohol before your procedure, as this will thin the blood and increase the risk of procedure complications.
  • Ensure you are eating a healthy diet and drinking enough water to stay hydrated.
  • Plan for an optimal recovery process by lining up housework and childcare, stocking up on pain medication, compression socks, and loose clothing, setting up a comfortable place to sleep, and following your doctor’s post-operative instructions.

At your mommy makeover consultation, your doctor will discuss in more detail what they recommend you do before and after your procedure to foster optimal healing.

How Many Sessions Are Involved?

One of the top benefits of a mommy makeover is that it combines several different plastic surgery procedures into one surgery session. This means you only have one recovery timeline for multiple procedures, and you get to see your beautiful results sooner.

That said, if you get pregnant after a mommy makeover, the results may be undone, and another surgery may be necessary to restore your pre-baby body.

What is Surgery Like?

Surgery for a mommy makeover varies depending on the individual and their customized procedure plan. Generally, a mommy makeover can take anywhere from a few hours to six hours to complete, depending on the number of procedures and extent of the treatment areas.

Before your mommy makeover, your doctor will administer anesthesia to ensure you are as comfortable as possible during the procedure. Next, they will perform the individual procedures the two of you chose at your initial consultation.

Once your doctor has completed all the individual procedures included in your customized mommy makeover, they will ensure that everything looks ideal and close any remaining incisions with sutures. Additionally, depending on which procedures you choose, certain areas of your body may be covered with bandages and gauze.

Following your surgery, you will be sent home to start your recovery process. This procedure is generally performed as outpatient surgery, meaning you do not spend the night at the clinic.

Mommy Makeover Recovery in San Francisco

Patients can typically receive every aspect of their treatment at our San Francisco practice. Plastic Surgery Associates has both an AAAASF-certified surgical facility and an in-house med spa. The comprehensive nature of our services ensures that women can receive the supportive, private, and personal care they need.

The recovery that patients have following a mommy makeover will depend on the procedures and treatments that they choose. For example, women who have a tummy tuck can usually return within two weeks to activities that aren’t physically demanding. Women who have labiaplasty may need a few days of rest after surgery. Our doctors can provide individualized guidance about each patient’s recuperation.

How Long Will My Results Last?

With proper maintenance, the results of a mommy makeover should last a long time. At Plastic Surgery Associates in San Francisco, our doctors recommend implementing key daily habits that help you maintain your results. These habits include eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, maintaining a stable weight, and following post-operative instructions.

Keep in mind that getting pregnant after the procedure may revert any results you achieved through your mommy makeover.

Other Things to Consider Before Getting a Mommy Makeover

Will I Need to Request a Lot of Time Off from Work?

This depends on the extent of your mommy makeover, as the different procedures involved have varying recovery times. A general rule, however, is at least two weeks off work following a mommy makeover. If your job is particularly demanding about physical activity, your doctor may recommend more time off for optimal recovery. We urge you to consult with your doctor to learn more about what they recommend regarding time off work.

Mommy Makeover Costs in San Francisco

A mommy makeover offers women a comprehensive approach to rejuvenating their bodies after having children.

Our doctors can advise patients about combining multiple procedures into the same surgical session. This can reduce the overall cost. It also limits patients to a single recovery, allowing them to enjoy the results of treatment more quickly. We encourage patients to schedule an appointment with Plastic Surgery Associates to learn more about their options and the benefits of treatment.

Does My Insurance Cover the Procedure?

Insurance coverage varies depending on your individual insurance plan. We recommend consulting with your insurance provider to learn more about what plastic surgery procedures are covered under your unique plan.

If you need assistance paying for a mommy makeover in San Francisco, Plastic Surgery Associates offer financing options.

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Multiple procedures in one session

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Single recovery time

Mommy makeover enjoy the benefits icon san francisco plastic surgery associates Plastic Surgery Associates

Enjoy the benefits

You’re In Good Hands with Plastic Surgery Associates

If you are ready to restore your pre-baby body, the highly trained plastic surgeons at Plastic Surgery Associates in San Francisco are here to help. With years of experience specializing in this unique procedure, you can trust us to help you look and feel your best with mommy makeover surgery. Contact us at (707) 504-3277

Dr. Heather Furnas is a skilled and caring plastic surgeon with over 20 years of experience helping patients attain their aesthetic goals.
Meet Dr. Furnas
Dr. Francisco Canales is a seasoned plastic surgeon adept in aesthetic treatment for the face, body, and breasts.
Meet Dr. Canales
Dr. Culbertson specializes in aesthetic surgery and is double board-certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and the American Board of Surgery.
Meet Dr. Culbertson